International Certification of Sustainable Peat Substitutes and Substrates

HORTICERT is an international certification system that ensures ecological, social, and economic sustainability for peat substitutes and growing media.
Peat substitutes are organic and mineral materials used in the production of potting soils for hobby gardening and substrates for professional gardening. With their help, the peat content can be greatly reduced or completely replaced.
HORTICERT ensures that the peat substitutes used in peat-free and peat-reduced growing media have been produced in an ecologically, socially, and economically sustainable way. Peat substitutes also usually have a lower carbon footprint than peat. HORTICERT has developed a uniform methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions, which allows statements on the greenhouse gas savings of peat-free and peat-reduced growing media compared to conventional products with a high peat content. Under HORTICERT, peat substitutes such as green waste compost, wood fibers or coconut-based products, but also other peat substitutes, can be certified. By certifying peat substitutes, HORTICERT promotes sustainable and climate-friendly horticulture with reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
Horticulture and certification
What does HORTICERT mean?
The name HORTICERT combines the terms “Horticulture” and “Certification” and underlines the international orientation of the certification system.

Elements of the Certification System
The four essential elements of HORTICERT include the risk-based verification of ecological, social, and economic sustainability criteria, the greenhouse gas calculation of peat substitutes and growing media, the traceability of supply chains, and the system structure.

Development of HORTICERT
According to the German Federal Government’s Climate Action Plan 2050 and the Peat Reduction Strategy of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) published in July 2022, the use of peat in hobby horticulture is to be ended in Germany by 2026 and reduced as far as possible in professional horticulture by 2030.
Against this background, BMEL has commissioned Meo Carbon Solutions GmbH with the development and implementation of an international certification system for peat substitutes. The project is funded by the BMEL based on a decision by the Federal German Parliament and is carried out under the direction of the Agency for Renewable Resources (Fachagentur für Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. – FNR).
By certifying peat substitutes, HORTICERT supports the goal of peat reduction and ensures that sustainable and climate-friendly alternatives to peat are used. After the project’s funding ends in 2025, HORTICERT will continue as a stand-alone, independent certification system.