Why is Certification Important?

Certification is a widely used tool to distinguish between sustainable and non-sustainable products and supply chains and to be able to make sustainability claims to the market. Certifications are used both for voluntary sustainability commitments as well as for meeting legal requirements. HORTICERT is a voluntary certification system.  

Why does certification matter?  

Create Transparency

The sustainability of peat substitutes is an essential decision parameter in B2B business, as well as in the purchasing decision of end consumers. For end consumers who use peat-free or peat-reduced growing media, the aim is to ensure, amongst others, that the peat substitutes used …

  • … are not linked to unauthorized land use change or other environmentally harmful production practices
  • … are not linked to child or forced labor, violation of occupational health and safety laws as well as social standards
  • … were managed sustainably at each stage of the supply chain, including agriculture and forestry.

In addition, HORTICERT certification ensures that a standardized methodology has been applied to calculate greenhouse gas emissions. This ensures the transparency and comparability of statements on greenhouse gas savings of peat-free or peat-reduced growing media.