Certification Bodies
To ensure the credibility of a certification system, it is important that audits are carried out and certificates are issued by independent certification bodies. Certification bodies approved according to the HORTICERT standard are entitled to offer certification services to potential system users.
New certification bodies can apply for recognition by HORTICERT at any time.
List of Certification Bodies
ARQUS Ingenieurbüro GmbH & Co. KG
Astenbergstraße 1
D-57392 Schmallenberg
Contact: Dipl.-Ing. Christian Walzel
Phone: +49 (0) 171 – 417 65 37
Email: walzel@arqus.eu

Control Union Certifications Germany GmbH
Bornitzstraße 73-75
10365 Berlin
Contact: Stephan Baltin
Phone: +49 (0)30 509 69 88-0
Email: berlin@controlunion.com

ESC Cert GmbH
Teichstraße 14
34130 Kassel
Contact: Dr. Christoph Pohl
Phone: +49 561 9696 9880
Email: info@esc-cert.de

IMO Control India
No.3627, 1st Floor, 7th Cross
13th ‘G’ Main, H.A.L. 2nd Stage,
Bangalore – 560 008
Phone: +91 80 2528 5883
Email: enquiries@imocontrol.in

Normec QS
Kierkamperweg 33
6721 TE Bennekom
Phone: +31 88 166 2000
Email: info-qs@normecgroup.com