Project Launch and Concept Development 

Phase I November 2021

Project Launch and Concept Development 

The project “Development and implementation of an international certification system for peat substitutes” is conducted by Meo Carbon Solutions GmbH and started in November 2021. It is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and carried out under the supervision of the Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR).

The project is divided into three phases over a period of four years. In the first phase, an overview of the growing media market shall be compiled and the certification concept shall be developed. The certification concept will then be tested in practice and optimized in the second phase, the pilot phase. In the third project phase, the certification system is to be transferred into regular operation. The project will be conducted under involvement of relevant stakeholders. 

The certification system will enable the verification of ecological, social, and economic sustainability aspects of peat substitutes, the determination of GHG emissions of the substitutes and their emissions savings compared to conventional products, and the traceability of international supply chains. In addition, the certification system will be applicable for all peat substitutes currently on the market as well as for future substitutes. You can find more information here.